b0VIM 9.0Df.rootfraab/home/www/fraab.sys2.de/html/cms_admin/phptemplate/site0_watch4fetish/functions/custom.tplutf-83210#"! UtpL!Nn&eadLqS9X?> p d N M   B @ ? $ C  y W 8 ! b a |cR8#xe;8%#"{dFE+R9Fxea^]A* // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'update' ){ } } $db->execute(); $db->bind(':count_start', $random_views); $random_views = 1; $db->bind(':set_id', $set_id); $db->query("INSERT INTO `plg_custom_viewcounter` (`SetId`, `Value`) VALUES (:set_id, :count_start)"); // Means that the SetId doesn't exist, so we need to create it. } else { $db->execute(); $db->query("UPDATE `plg_custom_viewcounter` SET `Value` = $increment_count WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"); $increment_count = $row["Value"] + 1; $row = $db->single(); // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'increment' ){ } } return 1; } else { return $row["Value"]; if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'view' ){ $num_rows = $db->rowCount(); $row = $db->single(); $db->query("$sql"); $sql="SELECT * FROM `plg_custom_viewcounter` WH $action='view'; global $db;function view_counter($action, $set_id, $value = 0){} return $response; } $response = json_decode($result, true); curl_close($ch); $result=curl_exec($ch); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $curl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $ch = curl_init(); if( !empty($curl_url) ){ $response = "";function get_curl_data($curl_url = ""){} } header("Location: ".$redirect_url); $redirect_url = $current_url.( strpos($current_url, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?" )."lang=2"; } elseif( $geoplugin->countryCode == "ES" && (isset($current_language) && $current_language != "2") ){ header("Location: ".$redirect_url); $redirect_url = $current_url.( strpos($current_url, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?" )."lang=1"; if( $geoplugin->countryCode == "DE" && (isset($current_language) && $current_language != "1") ){ $current_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; global $current_language; global $current_url; $geoplugin->locate(); $geoplugin = new geoPlugin(); //include "geoplugin.class.php";function geo_locate_visitor(){// Geo Locate Visitor:} return false; } if(stripos($agent,$bot)!==false) {return true;} foreach($bots as $bot) { $agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $bots = array("Slurp", "Scooter", "URL_Spider_SQL", "Googlebot", "Firefly", "WebBug", "WebFindBot", "crawler", "appie", "msnbot", "InfoSeek", "FAST", "Spade", "NationalDirectory", "Speed Insights", "Insights", "GTmetrix");function detect_is_bot() {} return preg_match("/(android|avantgo|blackberry|bolt|boost|cricket|docomo|fone|hiptop|mini|mobi|palm|phone|pie|tablet|up\.browser|up\.link|webos|wos)/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);function isMobileDevice() {// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$db = new Database();global $db;require('database.class.php');define("DBNAME", $r_conf["mysql"]["db"]);define("DBPASS", $r_conf["mysql"]["pass"]);define("DBUSER", $r_conf["mysql"]["user"]);define("DBHOST", $r_conf["mysql"]["host"]);include("$config_file");$config_file = $GLOBALS["CMS_ADMIN"]."config/config".SITEID.".php";if( isset($GLOBALS["SUBSITE_ID"]) ){ define("SUBSITEID", $GLOBALS["SUBSITE_ID"]); }define("SITEID", $GLOBALS["SITE_ID"]);//ini_set('display_errors', 1);//error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);error_reporting(0);// Hide all errors and warnings//DEBUGGING::: ini_set('display_errors', 1);//DEBUGGING::: error_reporting(E_ALL); 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["type"]) $arrpush[] = "type=$arr[type]"; if ($arr["id"]) $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $ret .= "gallery.php"; { else } $ret .= ".html"; } $ret .= "_" . $arr["mt"]; { if (isset($arr["mt"])) } $ret .= "_1"; { elseif (isset($arr["mt"])) } $ret .= "_" . $arr["page"]; { if (isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1) } $ret .= "_" . $arr["type"]; { if ($arr["type"]) $ret .= $GLOBALS["areaurl"] . "scenes/" . $arr["seoname"]; { if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls) $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = "";{function custom_Gallery_URL($arr=array())} return $ret; } } $ret .= "?" . join("&", $arrpush); if (array_not_empty($arrpush)){ if ($arr["sw"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["s"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["page"] > 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["id"] != "") $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $arrpush = array(); $ret .= "pages.php"; { else } $ret .= "/"; } $ret .= "/" . $arr["sw"]; if ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { } $ret .= "/"; } elseif ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { if($arr["s"] == 'n'){ $ret .= '/name'; } if($arr["s"] == 'p'){ $ret .= '/popular'; } if($arr["s"] == 'd'){ $ret .= '/latest'; } if ( isset($arr["s"]) ){ } $ret .= "/1"; } else { $ret .= "/1"; } elseif ( isset($arr["s"]) || isset($arr["sw"]) ){ $ret .= "/" . $arr["page"]; if ( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1){ $ret .= $arr["seoname"]; if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls){ $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = $GLOBALS["areaurl"];{function custom_Network_URL($arr=array())} return $setobj->settotal; $setobj = $api->getSets($arr);adc !nmS<# za8 n  i R // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'update' ){ } } $db->execute(); $db->bind(':count_start', $random_views); $random_views = 1; $db->bind(':set_id', $set_id); $db->query("INSERT INTO `plg_custom_viewcounter` (`SetId`, `Value`) VALUES (:set_id, :count_start)"); // Means that the SetId doesn't exist, so we need to create it. } else { $db->execute(); $db->query("UPDATE `plg_custom_viewcounter` SET `Value` = $increment_count WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"); $increment_count = $row["Value"] + 1; $row = $db->single(); // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'increment' ){ } } return 1; } else { return $row["Value"]; if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'view' ){ $num_rows = $db->rowCount(); $row = $db->single(); $db->query("$sql"); $sql="SELECT * FROM `plg_custom_viewcounter` WHERE `SetId` = $set_id";ad98%nL&    r d c - ,   u t N L K o X W &   r q `  U   v>}z30/!Z) Y*xwtnkQ;jiG!   $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = $GLOBALS["areaurl"];{function custom_Sets_URL($arr=array())} return $ret; } } $ret .= "?" . join("&", $arrpush); if (array_not_empty($arrpush)){ if ($arr["sw"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["s"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["page"] > 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["id"] != "") $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $arrpush = array(); $ret .= "category.php"; { else } $ret .= "/"; } $ret .= "/" . $arr["sw"]; if ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { } $ret .= "/"; } elseif ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { if($arr["s"] == 'n'){ $ret .= '/name'; } if($arr["s"] == 'p'){ $ret .= '/popular'; } if($arr["s"] == 'd'){ $ret .= '/latest'; } if ( isset($arr["s"]) ){ } $ret .= "/1"; } else { $ret .= "/1"; } elseif ( isset($arr["s"]) || isset($arr["sw"]) ){ $ret .= "/" . $arr["page"]; if ( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1){ $ret .= "categories/" . $arr["seoname"]; if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls){ $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = $GLOBALS["areaurl"];{function custom_Category_URL($arr=array())} return $ret; } if (array_not_empty($arrpush)){ $ret .= "?" . join("&", $arrpush); } if ($arr["s"]) $arrpush[] = "s=" . $arr["s"]; if ($arr["mobile"]) $arrpush[] = "mobile=1"; if ($GLOBALS["template_attribute"]) $arrpush[] = "template=" . $GLOBALS["template_attribute"]; if ($arr["page"] > 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; $ret .= "index.php"; } else { if (array_not_empty($arrpush)){ $ret .= join("/", $arrpush); } } $arrpush[] = "page_$arr[page].html"; if ($arr["page"]){ } if( $arr["s"] == 'p' ){ $arrpush[] = "popular"; } if( $arr["s"] == 'd' ){ $arrpush[] = "latest"; } if ($arr["s"]){ $arrpush[] = "updates"; if ($arr["mobile"]) $arrpush[] = "mobile=1"; //$ret .= $GLOBALS["areaurl"] . $seoname; //$seoname = ($arr["page"] > 1) ? "updates/page_$arr[page].html" : ""; if ($seo_urls){ $arrpush = []; $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = "";{function custom_Index_URL($arr=array())} return $ret->sets[0]["trailer_url_mobile"]; return "no_trailer"; if (empty($ret->sets[0]["trailer_url_mobile"])) return "no_trailer"; if (!$ret->setcount) ]); "tourid" => $tour_ID "id" => $set_ID, $ret = $api->getSets([ $subsiteid = ($subsite_id) ? $subsite_id : 0; global $api;function custom_get_trailer_url_mobile($tour_ID=1, $set_ID=1){} return $ret->sets[0]["trailer_url"]; return "no_trailer"; if (empty($ret->sets[0]["trailer_url"])) return "no_trailer"; if (!$ret->setcount) ]); "tourid" => $tour_ID "id" => $set_ID, $ret = $api->getSets([ $subsiteid = (isset($subsite_id)) ? $subsite_id : 0; global $api;function custom_get_trailer_url($tour_ID=1, $set_ID=1){// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } } } $db->execute(); $db->bind(':count_start', $value); $db->bind(':set_id', $set_id); $db->query("INSERT INTO `plg_custom_viewcounter` (`SetId`, `Value`) VALUES (:set_id, :count_start)"); // Means that the SetId doesn't exist, so we need to create it. } else { $db->execute(); $db->query("UPDATE `plg_custom_viewcounter` SET `Value` = $count_value WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"); else { $count_value = 1; } if($value > 0){ $count_value = $value; } $row = $db->single();admzcG{I)  o >  ` W G  /  ~ ] Y 3 / , +    [ K    ON;B<7,(fe+(ZYgdba(ucRB1 uqnml } } unset($string[$k]); } else { $v = $diff->$k . ' ' . $v . ($diff->$k > 1 ? 's' : ''); if ($diff->$k) { foreach ($string as $k => &$v) { ); 's' => 'second', 'i' => 'minute', 'h' => 'hour', 'd' => 'day', 'w' => 'week', 'm' => 'month', 'y' => 'year', $string = array( $diff->d -= $diff->w * 7; $diff->w = floor($diff->d / 7); $diff = $now->diff($ago); $ago = new DateTime($datetime); $now = new DateTime;function time_elapsed_string($datetime, $full = false) {} } return 'images/p' . $usep[0] . '.jpg" '; { else } } $cnt++; return cdn_hook($cdir . '/contentthumbs/' . $arr["category"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]["1x_filename"]) . '" '; if ($arr["category"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]["1x_width"]) if (!$arr["category"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]) continue; { ($usep as $k => $up) foreach $cnt = 0; { if ($pexists) } $pelement = $arr["category"]["info"]["thumbs"][$usep[0]]; $pexists = 1; { if (isset($arr["category"]["info"]["thumbs"][$usep[0]])) $cdir = $GLOBALS["contentdir"]; $pexists = 0; $done = 0; $usep = explode(",", $arr["usepriority"]);{function GetStdCatImage($arr)} } return 'images/p' . $usep[0] . '.jpg'; } else { } $cnt++; } } return $cdir . '/contentthumbs/' . $arr["set"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]["filename"]; } else { return $cdir . '/contentthumbs/' . $arr["set"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]["1x_filename"]; if ($arr["set"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]["1x_width"]){ if ($cnt == 0){ // Uncomment this if you want src tags within stdimage for SEO purposes **} if (!$arr["set"]["info"]["thumbs"][$up]) continue; foreach($usep as $k => $up){ $cnt = 0; if ($pexists){ } $pelement = $arr["set"]["info"]["thumbs"][$usep[0]]; $pexists = 1; if (isset($arr["set"]["info"]["thumbs"][$usep[0]])){ $cdir = $GLOBALS["contentdir"]; $pexists = 0; $done = 0; $usep = explode(",", $arr["usepriority"]);function GetStdImageSrc($arr){} return $ret; } } $ret .= "?" . join("&", $arrpush); { if (array_not_empty($arrpush)) if ( isset($arr["g"]) ) $arrpush[] = "g=" . strtolower($arr["g"]); if ( isset($arr["s"]) ) $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) $arrpush[] = "sw=$arr[sw]"; if ( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ( isset($arr["id"]) ) $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $ret .= "sets.php"; $arrpush = array(); { else } } if ( isset($arr["g"]) && $arr["g"] != "" ) $ret .= "?g=" . strtolower($arr["g"]); $ret .= "/"; else { if ( isset($arr["id"]) ) { $ret .= ".html"; } } if ( isset($arr["sw"]) && $arr["sw"] != "" ) $ret .= "/" . strtolower($arr["sw"]); } else { $ret .= "/latest"; } if($arr["s"] == "n") { $ret .= "/name"; } if($arr["s"] == "p") { $ret .= "/popular"; } if($arr["s"] == "d") { $ret .= "/latest"; } if ( isset($arr["s"]) ) { //if ($arr["s"] && ($arr["s"] != $GLOBALS["model_defaultsort"])) { } $ret .= "/1"; } else { $ret .= "/" . $arr["page"]; if( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1) { //if ($arr["page"] > 1) $ret .= "/" . $arr["page"]; $ret .= "models"; } else { } $ret .= "_1"; } else { $ret .= "_" . $arr["page"]; if( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1) { $ret .= $arr["seoname"]; $ret .= "models/"; if ( isset($arr["id"]) ) { if ( ( !isset($arr["id"]) || (isset($arr["seoname"]) && $arr["seoname"] != "") ) && isset($seo_urls) ){adol\GJ < : . -   g d 4 1 / l k / + s p A > = $ !   i f K H ( % U4eKJ9@vroQNL' |W!n?<;#!o $arr["page"] = 1; $arr = []; global $api;{ function get_latest_models($limit = 999 , $orderby = 'DESC')} return $setobj->settotal; $setobj = $api->getSets($arr); $arr["sort"] = "date"; } $arr["tourid"] = floor($GLOBALS["TOUR_ID"]); if(!empty($GLOBALS['TOUR_ID'])){ $arr["category_filter"] = [$category_id]; if ($category_id) if( is_array($category_id) ){ $category_id = implode(',', $category_id); } $arr["subsiteid"] = ($subsite_id) ? $subsite_id : 0; $arr["numperpage"] = floor($limit); $arr["page"] = 1; $arr = []; global $api;function get_category_count($category_id = 5 , $limit = 9999){} return 'No Sets Found'; else return $setobj->sets; if (array_not_empty($setobj->sets)) } $set["extrafields"] = $exf; } $exf["extras"][$key] = [$value]; { foreach($set["extrafields"] as $key => $value) $exf["extras"] = []; $exf = []; foreach($setobj->sets as &$set){ // from the PHP template interface. // Original interface fetched smarty extra fields, so this rebuilds echo '';*/ echo "\nNumber of pages: " . $setobj->numpages; echo "\nNumber of sets total: " . $setobj->settotal; echo "\nNumber of sets returned: " . $setobj->setcount; /*echo '
';		return 'No Sets Found';	if (!array_not_empty($setobj->sets))		$setobj = $api->getSets($arr);		//echo '
'; print_r($arr); echo '
'; } $arr["subsiteid"] = 1; if(!empty($GLOBALS['TOUR_ID'])){ $arr["tourid"] = 1; } if($network_updates !== false){ //If $network_updates == true, overrides above rules for subsite_id and tour_id } //$arr["newerthan"] = date("Y-m-d"); $arr["newerthan"] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day")); $arr["sort"] = "date"; { elseif($orderby == "UPCOMING") } $arr["sort"] = "rating"; { elseif($orderby == "RATING") } $arr["sort"] = "title"; { elseif($orderby == "TITLE") } $arr["sort"] = "random"; { elseif($orderby == "RANDOM") } $arr["sort"] = "date"; { if ($orderby == "DESC") } $arr["tourid"] = floor($GLOBALS["TOUR_ID"]); { if(!empty($GLOBALS['TOUR_ID'])) } } $arr["category_filter"][] = (!empty($all_categories[$parent_category]["children"])) ? $all_categories[$parent_category]["children"] : [0]; { if (isset($all_categories[$parent_category]["children"])) global $all_categories; { if ($parent_category) $arr["category_filter"] = [$category_id]; if ($category_id) if( is_array($category_id) ){ $category_id = implode(',', $category_id); } } $arr["category_exclude"] = $exclude_category; { if ($exclude_category) //$arr["subsiteid"] = ($subsite_id) ? $subsite_id : SUBSITEID; $arr["numperpage"] = floor($limit); else { $arr["page"] = 1; } if($onpage) { $arr["page"] = $onpage; } $arr = []; global $api;function get_from_scheduled_updates($category_id = 5 , $limit = 999 , $orderby = 'DESC', $parent_category = false, $exclude_category = false, $subsite_id = false, $network_updates = false, $onpage = false){*/ Requires Elevated X build 4939 or higher This ties into the Elevated X Template API for all calls. Custom Hooks 2.0 file./* } return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$size[$factor]; $factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3); $size = array('B','kB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB'); $decimals = 2;function getFileSize($bytes){} return $string ? implode(', ', $string) . ' ago' : 'just now'; if (!$full) $string = array_slice($string, 0, 1);addaC@%"~b\@>=  s V U T 4 2 $   k i h g 7 5   h Z X p T 9 7   { y A z_GE&% spA>$!zxw*c`^G.,  t`^CA5"ywd87 $arr["sort"] = "date"; $arr["tourid"] = 1; //$arr["tourid"] = floor($GLOBALS["TOUR_ID"]); $arr["category_filter"] = [$category_id]; if ($category_id) if( is_array($category_id) ){ $category_id = implode(',', $category_id); } $arr["subsiteid"] = ($subsite_id) ? $subsite_id : 1; $arr["numperpage"] = floor($limit); $arr["page"] = 1; $arr = []; $subsite_id = $subsiteid; global $subsiteid; global $api;function count_results_from_category($category_id = 5, $orderby='DESC', $network_updates=false, $limit=20){} return $r->categories; $r = $api->getCategories($arr); $arr["sort"] = "title"; $arr["has_sets"] = 1; } $arr["subsiteid"] = floor($subsite_id); { else } $arr["subsiteid"] = ""; { if($subsite_id == 'all' || $subsite_id == '') $arr["parentid"] = 37; global $api; global $tags_category;function custom_get_category_tags_categories($wid = 0, $subsite_id = 'all'){} return $r->categories; $r = $api->getCategories($arr); $arr["sort"] = "title"; $arr["has_sets"] = 1; } $arr["subsiteid"] = floor($subsite_id); { else } $arr["subsiteid"] = ""; { if($subsite_id == 'all' || $subsite_id == '') $arr["parentid"] = $tags_category['Id']; global $api; global $tags_category;function custom_get_category_tags($wid = 0, $subsite_id = 'all'){} return $r->commentcount; $r = $api->getComments($arr); $arr["countonly"] = 1; $arr["sort_reverse"] = 1; $arr["itemid"] = $item_id; $arr["contenttype"] = $content_type; $arr = []; if (!in_array($content_type, $ctypes)) return 0; $ctypes = ["set", "news", "model", "dvd", "custompages", "store"]; if($content_type == 'sets') { $content_type = 'set'; } global $api;function get_comments_count($item_id, $content_type){} return "NULL"; else return $r->comments; if (array_not_empty($r->comments)) $r = $api->getComments($arr); $arr["sort_reverse"] = 1; $arr["itemid"] = $item_id; $arr["contenttype"] = $content_type; $arr = []; if (!in_array($content_type, $ctypes)) return "NULL"; $ctypes = ["set", "news", "model", "dvd", "custompages", "store"]; if($content_type == 'sets') { $content_type = 'set'; } global $api;function get_the_comments($item_id, $content_type){} return $all_categories[$category_id]; } return "Category Not Found"; { if (!isset($all_categories[$category_id])) global $all_categories; function get_category_object($category_id = 5){} return ($areaobj->areacount) ? true : false; $areaobj = $api->getVodAreas($arr); $arr["countonly"] = true; $arr["id"] = floor($set_ID); $arr = []; if (!$set_ID) return false; global $api;{function set_is_in_vod($set_ID)} //EOF get_specific_model() return 0; else return $ret->models[0]; if (array_not_empty($ret->models)) ]); "id" => $model_id $ret = $api->getModels([ $arr = []; global $api;function get_specific_model($model_id){ } return 'No Models Found'; else return $modelobj->models; if (array_not_empty($modelobj->models)) $modelobj = $api->getModels($arr); } $arr["sort_reverse"] = 1; $arr["sort"] = "id"; { elseif($orderby == "ID") } $arr["sort"] = "rating"; { elseif($orderby == "RATING") } $arr["sort"] = "random"; { elseif($orderby == "RANDOM") } $arr["sort"] = "date"; { if ($orderby == "DESC") $arr["numperpage"] = floor($limit); Watch4Fetish.com | We are now Watch4Fetish

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